10 ways to grow in Creative industry

10 ways to grow in Creative industry

Meeting fellow creative can be a great way to connect, learn, and grow in the creative community that seem to be crowded. In this post, talented graphics Designer, Brand Coach and founder of Open Art Initiative, Benny Odumu highlighted 10 ways to grow in Creative industry. 

Here are some ways to meet creative minded individuals:

1. Attend events and conferences: Industry events, workshops, and conferences are perfect for networking.

2. Join online communities: Social media groups, forums, and online platforms dedicated to your creative field.

3. Local meet-ups: Look for meet-ups, gatherings, and co-working spaces in your area.

4. Workshops and classes: Take a class or workshop to learn a new skill and meet others with similar interests.

5. Collaborate on projects: Partner with others on a project to build relationships and gain experience.

6. Volunteer: Participate in creative initiatives, festivals, or non-profit organisations.

7. Studio or office visits: Reach out to creative minded individuals you admire and ask for a visit or tour.

8. Creative festivals and fairs: Showcase your work and connect with others at festivals and fairs.

9. Online webinars and talks: Participate in online events and engage with speakers and attendees.

10. Introductions and referrals: Ask friends, mentors, or colleagues to introduce you to their creative networks.

Some popular platforms for meeting creatives people include:

- Behance

- Dribbble

- Instagram

- Facebook Groups

- Reddit (subreddits like r/creatives, r/art, etc.)

- (link unavailable)

- Eventbrite

Remember to be open, friendly, and respectful when meeting fellow creatives. Build genuine relationships, offer support, and celebrate each other's successes!

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